Why TWA and the Lockeed L-1011 made such an impact.
Lambert Airport
Book detailing the history of Lambert Field to be released on November 15th, 2016.
Tribute to be held at St. Louis Science Center, celebrating the history of Ozark Airlines.
The Missouri Aviation Historical Society will hold its July meeting on Thursday, July 16th at 7:00 P.M. The meeting will feature two Archie League award recipients, along with history of Missourian Archie League and the ATC system. View flyer below for complete details, and click here for driving directions. Free admission. STAY TUNED FOR UDPATES! Listen to the emergency audio:
The skyline above Spirit of St. Louis airport roared for the first time in seven year’s as the airport celebrated its 50th year in operation. Celebrations included a world-class airshow, Veterans Village resource center, and the newly conceived S.T.E.M. Expo that connects local company’s with the next generation to promote careers in the science, technology, engineering, and math fields. Members of the Missouri Aviation Historical Society were on hand to promote […]
The Missouri Aviation Historical Society’s April meeting took place on Thursday, April 24th in our usual meeting spot at Creve Coeur Airport. This month’s meeting featured a variety of guest speakers that brought different perspectives to what makes the United States Navy Blue Angels truly unique. MOAVHIST member Joe Gurney has been presenting classes and events about the USN Blue Angels around the St. Louis metro area for years, and was […]